Saturday, February 5, 2011
Happy birthday jerelyn! this is your 7th birthday since i met you :D im really glad to have you as a friend! so many memories, so many joy and laughter spent with you.
i remember how you helped me copy the class time table when i got transfered into your class. and thats how we became friends (: maybe if you didnt we wouldnt end up being such good friends. hahaha!
i remember feeling jealous when you went to jc. when you made new friends, and seem to be having fun without me =x but obviously now i know you love me more! HAHAH!
im sorry for all the times i've made you unhappy! and sometimes i feel really hopeless when i cant find a way to cheer you up. i'll feel like im not a good enough friend because i cant make you happy. then i'll get jealous of ppl like hardy and the rest cos they seems to cheer you up better =x hahaha im a retard i know.
oh and i love shopping orchard with you even though i complain that you walk here and there and make me so tired everytime. hahaha!
aiya all in all, ILYFTROML. :D there will never be another person who can replace you in my life. thanks for always being there!