Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Sometimes the things we say can cause lots of damage. I feel that recently I haven't been thinking before i speak. ): regretting certain things i said that caused people to be unhappy. gotta be smarter in the things i do and say next time.

on a brighter note! i'm finally 20 years old! :D heh heh heh. last friday the girls celebrated my birthday. and i swear its the best girls outing ever! i really had so so much fun , with jerlyn's "give me 5... minutes" and "you all are my best friends.." , elli's drunk singing, and bib "i should puke right?.." hahaha! such a cute bunch of people. hehe. cant wait to look at the photos when its posted up.

i really cherish this group of girls, whom i have known for 8 years. and i believe we'll be friends even untill we're 80 years old. love spendinng time with you all. :')

my army boey is half way through his confinement week! :D 9 more days! we can do this! heheh. cant wait to see you. cant wait to hear your stories. i love you so much.and know you love me much more! mwahs!