Monday, February 7, 2011
lost in the woods
theres a period of time, not long ago, when i felt like a lost puppy. i think i've been contradicting myself, turning around in circles, not knowing what i want.
that period of time was torturous. because i didnt know where i was heading to. my future became so uncertain till i was so afraid there would be nothing left.
i said certain things that doesnt make sense. things that i wish i didnt say. but no point regretting now because theres nothing i can do about it. i just wish that i've learnt my lesson and now i have to cherish the people around me well.
i know whos the best to me, and who'll always be there.
espcially after dance concert. im certain theres this group of people who'll always be supporting me.
i love them all. (: i know you love me too. im a lucky girl.
( My first time making such a pic! :D proud of myself. look at the time.im suppose to be slping, or doing my assignments. but oh well. emotional day for me. nights! )